Educational Activities

RENEW Summer Intern Program

The RENEW team is hosting undergraduate and graduate interns all year round from Rice as well as other universities and research institutions. During the program, the students will learn about wireless systems development and various aspects of wireless research.

>> RENEW Intern Program 2019
>> RENEW Intern Program 2020
>> RENEW Intern Program 2021
>> RENEW Intern Program 2022
>> RENEW Intern Program 2023

RENEW Tutorials

The RENEW team organizes tutorial sessions for wireless and network researchers who are interested in real-world experimentation and exploring systems aspects of wireless field. Through lab handouts, presentation and hands-on simulations, and experimentations the participants can start learning about basic concepts of wireless communications all the way to advanced topics, such as Massive MIMO techniques.

The first RENEW tutorial session was held during POWDER-RENEW summer school at University of Utah on September 11-12.

>> POWDER-RENEW Summer School 2019